Committees + Working Groups + Clerks + Representatives

  • We are responsible for Sierra-Cascades website, newsletter and public Facebook page.

    Judy Maurer, Camas, (clerk)

    Nikai Sherlock, Camas

    Val Stoehr, Camas

  • This committee works closely with yearly meeting clerks to coordinate the efforts of all our committees and working groups. If your meeting is interested in joining Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends, please email the committee:

    Bethany Lee, West Hills

    Judy Maurer, Camas

    Ruba Byrd, Eugene

    Liaison member: Dave Cundiff, (clerk of Finance Comittee)

    Ex-officio members: Erin Wilson, Norma Silliman, (presiding clerks)

  • An Epistle provides a collective sense of experience and how God has moved among Friends during a gathering. It is approved by that group during a meeting for business.

    Janet Grove, Camas
    Julie Peyton, West Hills

  • This committee, empowered to act for equity and inclusion, encourages Friends across Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting to prayerfully reflect on the following queries:

    1) Are our meetings places of safety and welcome for people of color?

    2) How are the structures within our monthly meetings, quarterly meetings, and yearly meeting addressing systemic racism?

    3) What are ways your meeting can actively promote racial justice in your local community? Are there other local organizations or activists already doing the work with whom your meeting could partner with and support?

    4) Am I living a life that testifies to the evil of white supremacy? Am I willing to learn from past mistakes, omissions, and ways I’ve noticed racism within myself?

    If you have questions or suggestions for the Committee or would like resources or support around Equity and Inclusion, email us:

    Joann Boswell, Camas

    Andrew Franklin, Camas

    Anna Knierim, West Hills

    Anna Scott-Hinkle, Eugene

  • Our collective direction to the Faith & Practice Committee is that we would like to be a yearly meeting with a Faith & Practice as a living document, which is descriptive, aspirational, and procedural, leading us toward wholeness and reconciliation.

    Derek Lamson, Eugene
    Jade Rockwell, Camas (co-clerk)
    Jedidiah Abdul Muhib
    , North Seattle
    Johan Maurer, Camas
    Amy George, West Hills (co-clerk)

  • This committee commissions regular financial reports from the treasurer, receives budget requests from committees and working groups, and makes recommendations to the larger yearly meeting.

    Lynette Cortez, Silverton
    Dave Cundiff, direct member (clerk)

    Willow Githens, Eugene
    David Peyton, West Hills
    Tim Rochholz, Eugene

  • This committee facilitates logistics and planning for our large group gatherings, so that the Coordinating Committee doesn’t have to handle the details. As time permits, each gathering could have several elements: worship, community-building, business, spiritual development / education, creativity, and play. Our early gatherings may have a lot of decisions to deal with, so the business component may be more prominent. Since we are early in the process of learning who we are and want to be as a body, the community-building and envisioning piece is also essential. As we get more organized, there may be more educational content around Quaker process and values, as well as some experiential spiritual development activities, creative exploration, and fun.

    Lynette Cortez, Silverton
    Rachel Hampton, West Hills
    Meg Rice, West Hills (clerk)
    Vicki Stave, Eugene

  • This committee will accept nominations to committees, working groups, and for yearly meeting officers – presiding clerk, assistant presiding clerk, recording clerk, and treasurer. We try to have representation from every member church. We present nominees for approval at quarterly and annual sessions. Nominations are for one- to three-year terms.

    To nominate yourself or someone else to a Sierra-Cascades committee or position, click here

    Matt Boswell, Camas (clerk),

    Eli Craig, Wayside (direct member of SCYMF)

    Rachel Hampton, West Hills

    Londa Rochholz, Eugene

  • The Committee for Nurture of Ministries is tasked with the development, recognition and nurture of public ministries for Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends. While the committee fulfills the traditional role of maintaining the processes of recording and licensing of public ministries, it also is the entity that gives particular care and creative attention to the development and nurture of persons called into public ministry.

    Anna Baker, North Valley
    Faith Marsalli, Klamath Falls
    Johan Maurer, Camas

    Mark Pratt-Russum, West Hills
    Leann Williams, direct member

  • This committee provides ongoing prayer support for the people, churches, and work of Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends. Requests for prayer can be shared with the committee members by email:

    Johan Maurer, Camas
    Judy Maurer, Camas
    Juulie Downs, Camas (clerk)
    Kendra Purcell, Camas/Hillsboro
    Tiffany Graham, Wayside (direct member)

  • The Abuse Prevention Committee exists to make sure that there is a culture of abuse prevention within Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends. This includes crafting an abuse prevention policy to protect children and vulnerable individuals at SCYMF functions and events, making sure the policy is being followed, reviewing the policy annually, and working alongside SCYMF leadership to handle reports of any abuse thoroughly.

    Juulie Downs, Camas

    Jade Rockwell, Camas

    Mark Pratt-Russum, West Hills (clerk)

    Kendra Purcell, Hillsboro

    Bernie Ritz, Eugene Friends Church

  • This working group is made up of individuals dedicated to walking alongside youth and helping them to coordinate events and gatherings throughout the year. This group also provides advocacy as needed in order to ensure representation of youth and young adults on all our committees and working groups.

    Willow Githens, Eugene

  • Presiding Co-Clerks:

    Norma Silliman, Camas

    Erin Craig, direct member

    Co-Recording Clerks:

    Keith Barton, Berkeley (direct member)

    Johan Maurer, Camas


    Diane Beebe, West Hills

  • Friends World Committee for Consultation

    Anna Baker, North Valley (direct member of SCYMF)

    Julie Peyton, West Hills

    Londa Rochholz, Eugene

    Cherice Bock, North Valley (direct member)

    Friends Committee on National Legislation
    Kendra Purcell, Camas/Hillsboro

    Anna Scott-Hinkle, Eugene

    North Pacific YM

    Norma Silliman, Camas

    Barclay Press liaison

    Jazmine Miller-Price, Camas

    Britain Yearly Meeting

    Johan and Judy Maurer, Camas